Honey Garlic Chicken with Orange Brussel Sprouts and Raisin Quinoa
May 22, 2019This dinner came about, like most of my recipes, because I DID NOT PLAN! Whatttt?
I know, the girl who preaches planning to help with your sanity doesn't meal plan!?!
I used to meal plan when I worked away from home however now that I work from home, I have time to cook and get my creative juices flowing. Good thing for you, this recipe is a result of those creative juices with a mom time limit too! This recipe is not only one of my faster ones (shimmy shimmy shake #danceparties for the win) but the flavor profile is on POINT!
(uncooked about to head into the oven)
My favorite part about recipes like this, is that it's better the next day. Truthfully it is! I find when it comes to cooking with quinoa, it just soaks up all the flavor. Making this the day before an event or just plan on having leftovers for lunch the next day because this is just that good! Plus it's a sheet pan meal and those are a mom's savior because you just plop everything on to the sheet pan and let the oven do the work for you!!! (I have a sheet pan meal cheat sheet here for you to make more delicious dinners)
The orange vinaigrette is a cinch to whip together and doesn't have crazy ingredients you might find in a store-bought sauce or marinade (ugghhh hormone disruptors, inflammatory ingredients etc.. all of that can stay out of my food please! I have a products I trust page on my new website that'll help you find some products I use on the daily that will not contain those nasties)
Because what you eat literally becomes you.
Crazy right?
So eating meals like this will only do you GOOD! I even ate this for breakfast one morning because why not!?1 So for breakfast, lunch, or dinner - here's a tasty meal!
Honey Garlic Glazed Chicken with Brussel Sprouts and Raisin Quinoa
Time: 25 minutes
Serves: 6
- 2 lbs Airchilled organic chicken breasts
- 1/2 yellow onion, julinne
- 2 Cups uncooked white quinoa
- 3.5 Cups Brussel Sprouts (cleaned up & halved)
- 1 tsp Avocado Oil
- 1/2 C raisins
Chicken Glaze:
- ⅓ Cup Avocado Oil
- 2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1 Tbsp chopped garlic
- 2 Tbsp Honey
- 1 tsp soy sauce
Orange Vinaigrette for Quinoa
- ½ C fresh squeezed orange juice
- ¼ C olive oil
- 2 T apple cider vinegar
- Salt and pepper to taste
1. Preheat oven to 425*F. Cook quinoa per package directions
2. Mix together chicken glaze in large bowl (save 1/3 to be added once done cooking). Add chicken to bowl to thoroughly coat and place on half of a lined sheet pan. (If chicken breasts are thick, butterfly them.)
3. Prep brussel sprouts, if not already done so. Add to other half of sheet pan and drizzle with oil. Add in oven for 20 minutes and once out, chop up.
- Mix vinaigrette at this time and add raisins in it to allow the raisins to plump up
4. At the 20 minute mark check, flip chicken breasts and drizzle with remaining 1/3 of glaze. Add back into oven for 5 minutes.
5. In a large mixing bowl combine brussel sprouts and quinoa, mix together. Add in vinaigrette.
6. Chop up parsley to add on top
7. Serve up and enjoy!
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