

A huge part of balancing my thyroid hormones and optimizing my half remaining thyroid was removing as many things that would screw with my hormones and replaced them with products that are helping me be at my best!

Check out the products I use daily!


Products I trust

(Coming soon)

Healthy Thyroid Guide


Nicole is so excited to put everything thyroid into an easy guide for you! Her plan is to have it completed by the end of June for you! Please check back! 

Healthy Thyroid Webinars (3 set package)


I believe that if I don't give you EVERYTHING you need, then I'm failing you. My thyroid webinars are different the other webinars you'll find throughout my website. 


It's what has affected my life the most and also the thyroid is SO sensitive to not just what you eat but external factors too. You can't heal with just one of these webinars alone (and note I'm not promising healing/miracles either. It CAN happen though and a lot has to do with YOU.). 

So grab your seat. These are pre-recorded webinars. This is a great first step in understanding what it takes to improve how you're feeling with a thyroid disorder. 

The Health Thyroid Program is a great next step after this as I will walk you through step by step for 4 weeks with this pre-recorded program. You get all the information and strategies you need to be successful (aka you get everything that worked for me and continues to work for my clients). 



- ignore the dates in the picture. These three webinars (Eat for your Thyroid, Supplement your thyroid, and Healhty Thyroid Lifestyle Webinar) are here for you to learn what else you're needing to do to feel better with ____________________ (Hashimotos, hypothyroidism, half a thyroid, or no thyroid at all). 

Feel better soon with these 3 Thyroid Webinars

Healthy Thyroid Program


4 week self paced program that will show you ALL THE THINGS needed to improve someone's health with a thyroid disorder. 

Join the Healthy Thyroid Program

Make sure you're a member of the Health Warriors Community on Facebook. 


We have a massive online community. Join over 1,200 active forum members.

Join the community

AND Here’s The Best Part…

When you give your body EVERYTHING it needs to do it's job and it will do it! Our bodies are designed to repair themselves. You just have to give it the tools to do so! 

Working with Nicole has been a game changer for me! My hypothyroid symptoms are reduced & I feel like a new woman again! She’s constantly providing supplemental information, recipes, and advice to her clients in addition to her consulting. I’d highly recommend Nicole for anyone looking to improve their nutrition! ”



50% Complete

Two Step

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